10月のお知らせ INFORMATION (October 2016)

ビギナークラスでは、股関節の内転筋と外転筋を心地よく伸ばす組み合わせを行います。繰り返し行う事によって柔軟性の改善を実感出来るセッションです。出来るだけリラックスした状態で呼吸を止めずにポーズってみましょう。初心者の方や身体の固い方はYOU TUBE(Morning yoga good for beginners!、お家で出来る30分ヨガ)をご覧下さい。






We will try to adductor and abductor about hip join. It’s try to concentrate breathing special long exhale. Please check out You tube ( Morning yoga good for beginners! 30min yoga at home) before you join this session. Please ask shiatsu yoga points when you are not  comfortable. We will do some standing poses this September please enjoy!

Advance session’s  try to adductor and abductor about hip join with some movements.  We will try to some more other “spiral and straight” stretching. It’s good for legs and back and knees. We can find easy trigger points from your problems.

Full moon session (at Japan) :    16/October(Sun), 14/November(Mon)

New moon session (at Japan) :    1/October(Sat), 31/October(Mon)


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