6月のお知らせ INFORMATION (June 2016)

ビギナークラスでは、猫背、側弯症を解消する体側ポーズから後屈そしてねじるポーズの上半身からの組み合わせを行ないます。余裕のある方は腹式から胸式呼吸に挑戦してみましょう。肋骨の動きを改善して深い呼吸が楽に出来る組み合わせです。初心者の方や身体の固い方はYOU TUBE(Morning yoga good for beginners!、お家で出来る30分ヨガ)をご覧下さい。






We will try to forward and back bending and twisting poses with stomach breathing from costal breathing. This session is  good for lateral curvature or stoop shouldered. Please check out You tube (Morning yoga good for beginners! 30min yoga at home) before you join this session.

Advance session’s  try to asymmetry poses for warm up. Then  try to concentrate unstable side poses. I think it’s easy to concentrate “pranayana” after those poses. We will make good balance for Ida (The left nasal cavity) and Pingala (The right nasal cavity)  We will try to Gate pose( Parigh asana ) with some sequences. The unusual poses  and breathing technique are good for restarting…. 

Your circulation getting better and better after our session.

The rainy season will be good for relax during listening to rain sound. 

Full moon session (at Japan) :   5/June(Sun), 4/July(Mon)

New moon session (at Japan) :   20/June(Mon), 20/July(Wed)


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